Monday, 6 February 2012

My new blog

I have a new blog.  It's a place where I write stuff.  It's called 'Data and that.', for want of a better title.  I plan to write lots of informative and insightful stuff about data, its security, working with it, and what advances in data may mean for society in the future.  Hopefully it will stay generally on topic, but I won't guarantee any such thing.  Maybe you'll enjoy reading it, maybe you won't.  You don't have to.

So far this is the only entry.  How many other well-intentioned, single-post blogs are out there, I wonder?  I know I have one or two out there in the cyber-wasteland.  But I have other posts lined up for this one.  I just need to get something posted to start things moving, so this is it.

Here goes...(deep breath)


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